Sunday, February 13, 2011

More About Comic-Con

So, the Comic-Con ticket sales website was an epic fail. But chances are you've already heard as such. I went on the website that morning at 9am, and it took until mid-afternoon before I was finally able to get through their "over-capacity" screen and actually purchase tickets. Unfortunately, once I finally got through all I was able to get my hands on were the Thursday and Sunday tickets. Next year, Comic-Con really needs to rethink their ticket sales options. Ticket Master maybe? The best option would probably be to just buy next year's tickets at the show this year if we decide to go back. And why wouldn't we?

That's enough whiny-geek. Next on the to-do list for Comic-Con: travel and accommodations! Andrea and I have been researching flights, and it looks like the best bet would be to bus it from Vancouver to Bellingham, and then fly out of there to San Diego. Of course, I've gotta add the flight from the middle of nowhere to Van, as well, but still! Not bad! We are gonna try to get the best deals possible.

I'm hoping that hotel information will crop up soon. Hopefully there will be some good deals for Comic-Con attendees, and in nice hotels. It's interesting trying to look at hotels somewhere so far away. Websites aren't always 100% accurate. But really, I don't plan on spending much time in our room anyway, so it's not that big a deal. As long as it's decent enough to sleep in, it's good.

There's still more research to go. Gotta figure out what else we'll do while we're down there. And there's a few other details to iron out, but it is definitely coming together. Also, I need to talk to my granny about my costume idea... Perhaps she'd be able to help me design/create it. Okay! I'm off!

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