Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Update

My final score? 8 out of 25! Way better than I expected! In third with 13 correct: Andrea's Mom! And the winning score of 15 out of 25 was a tie between Andrea and Kim! Woo!


So, I am currently watching the Oscars. Not how I had planned on watching them, which was decked out in my nicest clothes at my friend Angie's place for her Oscar party. The plan was to dress up and bring some celebrity themes food and whatnot. But! Due to the crazy snow coming down outside, the party was cancelled, so I am sitting here in my Charizard pajama pants watching the Oscars on my couch.

Now, one of the fun parts about watching the Oscars is predicting the winners. Well, it's supposed to be fun. But I never seem to have any luck with the predictions. For some reason, all of the movies that I think look really boring are always the ones that make it into the Oscars. The movies that I think are awesome? Not a one. That's not actually true though, 'cause a few movies that I really liked were nominated, but I'll be amazed if they actually win anything.

It would also help if I actually understood what the categories meant. I have no idea what the eff cinematography is. And how in the world am I supposed to judge sound editing? Or film editing? Sound mixing? Is that different than editing? I've also got this problem with choosing the movies that I want to win versus the movies that I think will actually win. For example, The Social Network is probably going to do really well again, but I have no interest in watching a movie about Facebook. I already don't trust Facebook and think Zuckerberg is a douche.

So it is not surprising that so far my score is two for seven. I'm actually impressed with that score. I'm thinking I probably won't get any more right, but I will update you if I do.

I've never really paid attention to the Oscars before. Last year was the first time I'd ever actually sat down and watched them and did the whole prediction thing, and that was only because I was invited to an Oscar party at my good buddy Andrea's place. Since then Andrea has moved away from the frozen north, so we're keeping track online. Andrea, her mom, our friend Kim, and I all submitted our predictions, and Andrea is tracking them on twitter. Surprisingly, Andrea, the big movie buff, is not in the lead at the moment. Oh, correction, it's just been tied across the board... minus me...

This just kind of proves that I should never be a movie reviewer. I know what I like, but I don't know what makes a "good movie" apparently. I should be the nerd movie reviewer. Is the a geek awards show? There should be. If not, I'm gonna start the anti-Oscars. The awards show for all the movies that are actually good. The categories will be more interesting too. There will be Coolest Super Hero Movie. Best Alien Movie. Best Action Movie. And the best lead actor and actress would be whatever hotties were in those movies and not some boring people like most awards shows. And there would be a Suckiest Movie category. For movies that are lame. Like The Social Network.

Latest update, I am now at three points out of twelve. Rock on. My favourite part about this awards show is the hosts. Anne Hathaway and James Franco are both really awesome. Anne sung a song dissing the sexiest man alive (Hugh Jackman) and James has come onstage in drag. And there was an old man hitting on Anne at the beginning, and I thought he might die before he got through with the category. Apparently he's a big deal so I am probably being rude. But he was actually hilarious.

I think I've rambled on long enough for one post, so I'm gonna leave it here with my score sitting at 5 out of 16! Not as bad as I thought I'd be at! I'll give an extra update with my final score once the show is over.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

More About Comic-Con

So, the Comic-Con ticket sales website was an epic fail. But chances are you've already heard as such. I went on the website that morning at 9am, and it took until mid-afternoon before I was finally able to get through their "over-capacity" screen and actually purchase tickets. Unfortunately, once I finally got through all I was able to get my hands on were the Thursday and Sunday tickets. Next year, Comic-Con really needs to rethink their ticket sales options. Ticket Master maybe? The best option would probably be to just buy next year's tickets at the show this year if we decide to go back. And why wouldn't we?

That's enough whiny-geek. Next on the to-do list for Comic-Con: travel and accommodations! Andrea and I have been researching flights, and it looks like the best bet would be to bus it from Vancouver to Bellingham, and then fly out of there to San Diego. Of course, I've gotta add the flight from the middle of nowhere to Van, as well, but still! Not bad! We are gonna try to get the best deals possible.

I'm hoping that hotel information will crop up soon. Hopefully there will be some good deals for Comic-Con attendees, and in nice hotels. It's interesting trying to look at hotels somewhere so far away. Websites aren't always 100% accurate. But really, I don't plan on spending much time in our room anyway, so it's not that big a deal. As long as it's decent enough to sleep in, it's good.

There's still more research to go. Gotta figure out what else we'll do while we're down there. And there's a few other details to iron out, but it is definitely coming together. Also, I need to talk to my granny about my costume idea... Perhaps she'd be able to help me design/create it. Okay! I'm off!

Friday, February 4, 2011


So! Comic-Con tickets go on sale TOMORROW! This means that one more piece of the puzzle is about to fall into place, and my buddy Andrea and I will be one step closer to San Diego. Figuratively speaking, of course. I think I take a lot of steps closer, and then further away again, every day if you look at it geographically.

I was just thinking about what I should bring with me when we go. Once we know a little more about the guests that will be there, I'll have to pack some things to get signed and such. But I wonder if I should get my butt in gear and attempt some writing to bring with me. I've heard of people being discovered at Comic-Con before, but I seriously doubt I could come up with anything stellar by then. But maybe.

A coworker of mine told me yesterday that I should dress up for the convention. To this I responded, "even I'm not that big of a nerd... Wait... I'm going to Comic-Con. I totally am." So that is another idea. But I'm thinking it's gonna be stinking hot down there, so a costume would probably add to that. And I'm not hot enough to go as any of the semi-naked heroes out there. Maybe that's another project to work on.

That's all I've got for today. Time to go to work. And find something to eat. Not in that order.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Through the Stargate

Today, i would like to talk about the Stargate franchise, one of my favourite sci-fi series. Stargate is an epic story about the people of Earth who find their lives changed by a piece of, originally thought to be alien, but actually Earthly, technology. The Stargate itself is a great big metal ring with a second movable ring covered in different symbols. Each symbol represents a constellation of stars, and different combinations of these symbols create addresses to other Stargates out in the galaxy. When a correct address is entered, a wormhole is created, and people and objects can travel through the oneway path to a different planet in the galaxy. It is so much more complicated than that, but I really don't feel like writing on the function of the Stargate anymore.

Stargate SG-1 is the show that started it all (if you don't count the movie... which I don't). It centers around the titular team, SG-1, which is part of Stargate Command, a secret division of the US Military. The team originally consists of Colonel Jack O'Neill, Captain Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and an alien named Teal'c. The team roster changes later in the series, but to be honest, I haven't actually seen the whole series.

I originally started watching it with my Mom way back when the show first began airing. That was probabably 12-13 years ago? I'm not sure. It was one of those shows that we watched together, but at that point I was more interested in cartoons, so when Mom lost interest, so did I.

I have just recently begun watching the series again after having been re-hooked by the show's two spinoffs, Atlantis and Universe. So far I have picked up the first 4 seasons on DVD, and I'm nearly through with season 4. I think my favourite part of the show is The discovery process, as they learn new things about the gate and the Goa'uld and all that fun stuff. And the different alien races they meet along the way are all really interesting. The Asgard, the Replicators. The Nox.

Now, the real point of this whole post is that I am sad. I am sad because, once again, Stargate has been cancelled. This time, it is Stargate Universe that was cancelled after it's second season. The show was planned out for five, I think, but now we won't get to see what was supposed to happen with this group of characters. Between the three shows, there are 17 seasons of Stargate, and I'm just not satisfied apparently.

I think there is a campaign somewhere online to save Stargate. I should find the link and post it here. Perhaps there is a chance to save the show. So if you are a fan, or I've at least piqued your interest, look into it and consider using one or more of the methods mentioned on the following website to save the show! Thanks for reading!

Edit: I found the website I was originally looking for, which has been tweeted by one of the stars of the show.