So, I leave really soon. Like, 2 days soon. It's a little ridiculous. I can't wait for Comic Con! It's going to be fantastic! There are a few things happening before that though!
This weekend is gonna be pretty great I think. I work today, however, I have a bday party for a friend of mine to go to after work, soon followed by the PG Gay Pride dance. I haven't been to one of these in six years, so I'm kind of excited to go. Then! Hopefully I'll be functional tomorrow morning so I can go hang out with my mom and my niece and whatever other family I get to see. And then, packing!! So exciting. In a completely sarcastic kinda way.
I really can't think of anything else fun to say today. I haven't been to the gym in over a week, but I did run/walk 5km yesterday. Half uphill, half down. And I managed to run a pretty good chunk of the uphill, not just the down. The university hill here is kind of fun to run on.
Sorry this post hasn't been nerdier. Just wait, there will be plenty of nerdy on its way in the coming week!
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