Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Countdown is On!

Once again, excitement is building as the most joyous event of the year approaches. No, not Christmas, silly! That's 6 months away! It could be considered Christmas in July though... Anyway, I'm straying from the point. San Diego Comic Con!

It fast approaches! It officially starts July 12th, however, my fellow convention goers and I have passes for the 4 days plus preview night, so our comicon adventures will begin on the 11th, and we actually arrive in San Diego on the 10th. Thus giving us time to hopefully get settled and enjoy some more of what SD has to offer.

This year I am going to make my best effort to actually keep up with my blogging while I'm gone. Trying to blog about the con afterwards last year just really didn't work out well. So we'll see how it goes. Regardless, I can't wait to get my butt outta PG for a week!

In other news, I'm finally moving into my new place this weekend after living in limbo for two months! I can't tell you how exciting this is! Finally to have my own room, my own bed, surrounded by my own stuff. It'll be pretty great!

July is my month! New place, awesome trip, and probably new job, now if only we'd get some sun it would be perfect!

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