So, I'm debating starting a vlog. I've been debating this forever though so don't think I've come anywhere near a decision yet.
My only reasoning for starting a vlog is that I think having a vlog might be fun. I don't have any idea what it would be about. I already have plenty of difficulty coming up with topics to talk about here, so I have serious doubts that I'd be able to maintain a YouTube channel or whatever. But the majority of YouTube channels I see are really all nonsense anyway. So subject matter, maybe not so important.
The other major problem: I hate the sound of my voice. It bugs me so much. So if I was trying to edit a video together, I'd probably end up having to reshoot the whole thing repeatedly until I finally just give up anyway. I had a random little video saved on my old laptop from the first time I though about vlogging, and I remember I was just so weirded out that I gave up the idea. I wonder if I still have that video... To be fair, that was a good 5 years ago, so maybe I could do a better job now. I'm a lot more confident in myself nowadays.
But being on camera has never been my favourite thing. And yet, I'm seriously considering doing an application to be on Big Brother Canada. And that would be a LOT of cameras. I guess the motivation behind both is a yearning to be famous. Even just to be a bit of an Internet celebrity would be fun. But alas, it's probably not meant to be.
What do you think? Have any favourite YouTube channels? Do you blog? Vlog? Have a thirst for fame? Have ideas that could help me out? Leave a comment below!
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